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Python OOPS Tutorial 8:Inheritance In Python

Inheritance In Python

 §  In the given above, figure there is two classes in this, the name of one is C1and the 
       name of the other is C2. Explain that how c2 class can consume the features of c1.

 §  We are using some approach here.

 §  In First approach C2 class needs to create all the properties in its which is in the class C1.but in this approach c2 needs to be redefined all the properties which is already 
      defined by c1 class.

 §  In Second approach C2 class needs to create an object of C1 class.

 §  In Third approach C3 can consume the properties of C1 by establishing parent-child relationship

 §  The process of obtaining the data members and methods from one class to another class is known as inheritance. It is one of the fundamental features of object-oriented programming.

 §  Inheritance is the technique which allows us to inherit the data members and methods from base class to derived class.

 §  Inheritance in Python is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviours of parent object.

 §  The idea behind inheritance in Python is that you can create new class that are built upon existing classes. When you inherit from an existing class, you can reuse methods and fields of parent class, and you can add new method and fields also.

Important points

  • In the inheritance the class which is give data members and methods is known as base or super or parent class.
  • The class which is taking the data members and methods is known as sub or derived or child class.
  • The data members and methods of a class are known as features.
  • The concept of inheritance is also known as re-usability or extendable classes or sub classing or derivation.
  • With inheritance, all the members of super class are available to the subclass object.

Syntax of Python Inheritance

class BaseClass(Object):

class DerivedClass(BaseClass): 

When We Should go For Inheritance

§  Suppose we want to develop a school management project.
§  When we create a project, we will have to see which of these entities is possible in that project and Then the list out the property of the entity
  §  suppose in our project there are some entity possible which are Student,TeachingStaff,NonTeachingStaffe will check which entity is possible in this Project.


- Id


 - Id 


- Id

Add caption

 §  Some Property is common in all entity; therefore, it is not right to define common 
     property separately in each entity.

 §  The common property should be defined in a different common place and whoever 
       needs it, inherit it.

§  In this way Common Property will not have to do define separately everywhere. and  
   we can reuse all those property which are already define by someone.

Types of Inheritance

·         Based on number of ways inheriting the feature of base class into derived class we 
      have five Inheritance type they are:

  • Single inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Multilevel inheritance
  • Hybrid inheritance

Single inheritance

§  In single inheritance there exists single base class and single derived class.

class Car:
    #class Attribute
    Type1= "Four wheeler"
    def read(self):
    def show(self):

class Bike(Car):
    #class attribute
    Type2 = "Two wheeler"
    def read1(self):
    def show1(self):

#Crating a Base class Object
print('With Respect to Base Object')
#Crating a Derived class Object
print('With Respect to Derived Object')

 v When We create Child class object which class constructor is invoked.
 §  When we create child class object child class constructor is invoked. If we want to  
c         all parent class constructor   before calling child class constructor then we need to 
          use super() method in the child class constructor. Super refer the parent class object.

class C1:
    def __init__(self):
        print('C1-Class Constructor!')

class C2(C1):
    def __init__(self):
        print('C2-class Constructor!.')
#creating child class object
C2-class Constructor!.

v Now we are using super(). __init__ () in the child class constructor as a first line.

class C1:

    def __init__(self):
        print('C1-Class Constructor!')

class C2(C1):
    def __init__(self):
        print('C2-class Construtor!.')

#creating child class object

C1-Class Constructor!
C2-class Constructor!.

v Initializing parent class data-member during the child class object creation.
§  How we can pass value from child class constructor to the parent-class constructor.
§  We can pass value from child class constructor to the parent class constructor using 

class C1:
    def __init__(self,a):
        print('C1-Class Constructor!')

class C2(C1):
    def __init__(self,a,b):
        print('C2-class Construtor!.')
    def display(self):
        print('a = ',self.a,'b= ',self.b)



class User:
    def __init__(self,name,age,mno):
class Employee(User):
    def __init__(self,name,age,mno,specialization):

class Manager(User):
    def __init__(self,name,age,mno,department):

#Create a Employee Object
e1=Employee('John',30,9897675432,'Python Prog')
print('......Employee Details......')
print('Name = ',e1.name)
print('Age = ',e1.age)
print('Mno = ',e1.mno)
print('Specialization = ',e1.specialization)
print('......Manager Details......')
print('Name = ',m1.name)
print('Age = ',m1.age)
print('Mno = ',m1.mno)
print('Department =',m1.department)

Multilevel inheritances

·         In Multilevel inheritances there exists single base class, single derived class and multiple intermediate base classes.

Single base class + single derived class + multiple intermediate base classes.

Intermediate base classes

·         An intermediate base class is one in one context with access derived class and in another context same class access base class.

 v GrandParent, Parent and Child are the perfect example to represent Multilevel 
        Inheritance in Python.

class GrandParent:
    def __init__(self):
        print('Grandparent Constructor!.')

    def displayGrandParent(self):
        print('Grandparent Method!.')

class Parent(GrandParent):
    def __init__(self):
        print('Parent Constructor!.')
    def displayParent(self):
        print('parent Method!.')

class Child(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        print('Child Constructor!.')
    def displayChild(self):
        print('Child Method!.')

#Create Child class Object


Multiple inheritance

§  In multiple inheritance there exist multiple classes and single derived class.
§  Python provides us the flexibility to inherit multiple base classes in the child class.

class Base1:
class Base2:
class BaseN:

class Derived(Base1,Base2,....BaseN):

class Calculation1: 
    def Summation(self,a,b):
        return a+b;
class Calculation2: 
    def Multiplication(self,a,b):
        return a*b;
class Calculator(Calculation1,Calculation2): 
    def divide(self,a,b):
        return a/b;

print('Sum= ',c.Summation(10,20))
print('Mul= ',c.Multiplication(10,20))
print('Division= ',c.divide(10,2))

Python issubclass
§   Python issubclass() is an inbuilt method .
§   By using issubclass()  method we can check whether one class is sub-class of another class or not.
§   This method takes two parameter if first-parameter is the sub-class of second parameter then it will return True otherwise it will return false.
issubclass(object, classinfo)
Here are the following parameters.
object:  is the class to be checked.
classinfo: is a class, tuple, or type of a class

class Test1:

class Test2(Test1):

print('Test1 is Sub-class of Test2 - ',issubclass(Test1,Test2))
print('Test2 is Sub-class of Test1 - ',issubclass(Test2,Test1))
Test1 is Sub-class of Test2 -  False
Test2 is Sub-class of Test1 -  True


#Creating superclass
class Bank:

#Creating subclass
class SBI(Bank):

#Creating sub class of SBI
class HDFC (SBI):

#Now we will check subclass with different arguments

#Checking if SBI is subclass of Bank or not
print(issubclass(SBI,Bank)) #The Output:True

#Checking if Bank is subclass of SBi or not
print(issubclass(Bank, SBI)) #The Output:False

#Checking multilevel subclass
print(issubclass(HDFC, Bank)) #The Output:True

#Checking if a class is subclass of itself or not
print(issubclass(HDFC,HDFC)) #The Output:True

#checking with an object argument
#Here object is referred to base class always
print(issubclass(Bank, object))#The Output:True

Python isinstance()
 §  By using isinstance() function  we can check whether if the object (first argument) is 
       an instance or subclass of classinfo class (second argument).

 §  This method takes two parameters if first-parameter is an instance or sub-class of second parameter then it will return True otherwise it will return false.

 v Using Python isinstance(), you can do the followings:
 §  Check the type of a Python variable is of a given type.
 §  Verify whether a variable is a number or string.
 §  Check if an object is an instance of a specified class.
 §  Check whether variable or object is of dict type, list type, set type, tuple type.

v isinstance() with Built-in Types

 §  Python provides number of Different built-in types such are Numbers, List, Tuple, Strings, Dictionary. Most of the time you want to check the type of a value to do some operations on it. In this case, isinstance() function is useful.

 §  In this example, we are using isinstance() function to check instance with the String type, number type, dict type, list type

print(a,'is an instance of int->',isinstance(a,int))
print(b,'is an instance of float->',isinstance(b,float))
print(c,'is an instance of str->',isinstance(c,str))
print(d,'is an instance of int->',isinstance(d,list))
print(e,'is an instance of int->',isinstance(e,tuple))
print(f,'is an instance of int->',isinstance(f,set))

10 is an instance of int-> True
20.5 is an instance of float-> True
hello is an instance of str-> True
[10, 20, 30] is an instance of int-> True
(40, 50, 60) is an instance of int-> True
{80, 90, 70} is an instance of int-> True

v How can we check that a variable can store multiple types?

 §  Suppose we have a variable and we have to check that the variable has a numeric value or not where the numeric value can be int or float.

 §  You can check this variable with multiple types. To do this, you need to mention all 
       types in a tuple and pass it as the isinstance’s classInfo argument.
print(a,'is an instance of int or float->',isinstance(a,(int,float)))
print(b,'is an instance of int or float->',isinstance(b,(int,float)))
print(a,'is an instance of int or float->',isinstance(a,(int,float)))
print(b,'is an instance of int or float->',isinstance(b,(int,float)))

10 is an instance of int or float-> True
20.5 is an instance of int or float-> True
20.5 is an instance of int or float-> True
10 is an instance of int or float-> True
v isinstance() with Python Class

 §  By using isinstance() function we can check whether given object is  specified class 
        type or not. If the object is an instance of the given class type then it will return True 
       otherwise False.
class Person:

class Employee:

if isinstance(emp, Employee):
    print("Yes! given object is an instance of class Employee\n")
    print("No! given object is not an instance of class Employee")

if isinstance(emp, Person):
    print("Yes! given object is an instance of class Employee\n")
    print("No! given object is not an instance of class Employee")

Yes! given object is an instance of class Employee
No! given object is not an instance of class Employee

v isinstance function with an inheritance
 §  As we know the object of the subclass type is also a type of parent class.

 §  For example, If Car is a subclass of Vehicle then the object of Car class can be 
       referred by either Car or Vehicle.Then isinstance(carObject, Vehicle) will return true.

 §  The isinstance function works on the principle of the is-a relationship. The concept of 
       an is-a relationship is based on class inheritance.

class Test1:

class Test2(Test1):


print('t1 is the Instance  of Test1 - ',isinstance(t1,Test1))
print('t1 is the Instance of Test2 - ',isinstance(t1,Test2))
print('t2 is the Instance  of Test2 - ',isinstance(t2,Test2))
print('t2 is the Instance of Test1 - ',isinstance(t2,Test1))
t1 is the Instance of Test1 - True
t1 is the Instance of Test2 - False
t2 is the Instance of Test2 - True
t2 is the Instance of Test1 - True

v Extracting only Same type value from given List.

 §  Extracting only all numeric values from given list.
for item in list:
    if isinstance(item,(int,float)):
    elif isinstance(item,str):
print("String List :-", stringList)
print("Number List :-", numericList)
String List: - ['java', 'python', 'php']
Number List: - [10, 20, 30.5, 40.2]

Python OOPS Tutorial 7:Types Of Method In Python

Types of Method In Python

 v There are three types of methods in Python:
1.     Instance Methods.
2.     Class Methods
3.     Static Methods
Instance Methods.

  §  Inside method implementation if we are using instance variables then such type of
           methods is called instance methods.

  §  If we want to access an instance variable or instance method, we must create an 
           object of that required class.

  §  This method can only be called if the class has been instantiated.

  §  Once an object of that class has been created the instance method can be called and 
     can access all the attributes of that class through the reserved word self.

  §  An instance method is capable of creating, getting and setting new instance 
           attributes and calling other instance, class and static methods.

class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
    def add(self):
        return (self.a + self.b)
    def sub(self):
        return (self.a - self.b)
    def mul(self):
        return (self.a * self.b)
    def div(self):
        return (self.a /self.b)

c1 = Calculator(10, 20)
print("Addition= ",c1.add())
print("Substraction= ",c1.sub())
print("Multiplication= ",c1.mul())
print("Division= ",c1.div())

§  In the above program, a and b are instance variables and these get initialized when we create an object for the Calculator class. If we want to call add(),sub(),mul(),div() function which is an instance method, we must create an object for the class.

v Setter and Getter Methods:

 §  We can set and get the values of instance variables by using getter and setter methods. 

 § If you want to get values of the instance variables then we need to call them 
       getters (accessors) method.
 def  getVariable(self):
    return self.variable

def  getName(self):
    return self.name

def  getAge(self):
    return self.age

  §  If you want to modify the value of the instance variables. then we need to we call
          them mutators.

def  setVariable(self,variable):

def setName(self,name):

class Person:
    def setName(self,name):
    def getName(self):
        return self.name
    def setAge(self,age):
    def getAge(self):
        return self.age

#create an Object
print("Name= ",p1.getName())
print("Age= ",p1.getAge())

Class Method

  §  Inside method implementation if we are using only class variables (static 
          variables), then such type of methods we should declare as class method.

        Class Variable: A class variable is nothing but a variable that is defined outside the 
                                  constructor. A class variable is also called as a static variable.

  §  A class method is a method which is bound to the class and not the object of the  

  §  A class method is a class-level method.

  §  Class Method takes a class parameter that points to the class and not the object 
           instance. As we are working with ClassMethod we use the cls keyword.

  §    Class method can be called without having an instance of the class. 

How to define a class method

  §  To define a class method in python, we use @classmethod decorator in python to 
           create a class method.

    def method-name(cls):

Program to demonstrate the class method:
class Car:
    def run(cls,name):
        print('{} runs with {} wheels...'.format(name,cls.wheels))


Program to track the number of objects created for a class:
class Demo:
    def __init__(self):

    def noOfObjects(cls):
        print('The number of objects created for Demo class:',cls.count)  

#create an object

The number of objects created for Demo class: 2
The number of objects created for Demo class: 5

Static Methods
  §  In general, these methods are general utility methods.

  §  A static method is also a method which is bound to the class and not the object of 
          the class.

  §  Inside these methods we won't use any instance or class variables. They are utility 
           type methods that take some parameters and work upon those parameters.

  §  A static method does not receive an implicit first argument such as instance method       receive an implicit first argument as a self-variable and class method receive an  
            implicit first argument as a cls variable.

How to define a class method and a static method?

  §  to define a static method, we use @staticmethod decorator.

    def method-name (arg1, agr2...):

 §  You could use a static method when you have a class but you do not need an specific  
       instance in order to access that method. For example if you have a class called Math 
       and you have a method called factorial (calculates the factorial of a number).

class Math:
    def factorial(number):
        if number == 0:
            return 1
            return number * Math.factorial(number - 1)

factorial = Math.factorial(5)

Class method vs Static Method

  §  A class method implicitly takes cls as first parameter while a static method needs 
          no specific parameters.

  § If we define any method inside class by decorating @classmethod decorator is 
          known as class method while defining a method inside by decorating 
          @staticmethod decorator is known as static method.

  §  Inside method implementation if we are using only class variables (static 
     variables),  then such type of methods we should declare as class method.

  §  Inside method implementation if we are not using any instance or class variables 
          then such type of methods we should declare as static method for utility purpose.


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