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Angular Project Structure

 Project Structure of Angular Project

  §  In this Session we will discuss all the files and folders in the Angular project

  §  One of the easiest ways to create a working angular project, is by using the Angular CLI. The following Angular CLI command creates a working Angular Project out of the box

ng new AngularDemo

Ø ng is the Angular CLI

Ø new for creating a new application

Ø AngularDemo is the name of your angular application

§  A new folder with name AngularDemo is created.let's look the files in a project folder and how the execution flows in visual studio code we have the AngularDemo project folder there are lot of files so I am going to discuss only a few of them that are really important at this stage the first one is the package.json file.


§  This file contains the dependency and the dev dependencies which are nothing is the libraries and module that are required for angular application to work.

§  The package that it is listed here it installed when you run the command

ng new AngularDemo

§  All the packages get installed inside the node module folder.

§  we also have some of the scripts that can be executed ng serve command then this is one of them which runs are application you can also execute npm start which will internally call ng serve command.

node_modules folders   

§  node_modules folder contains all the packages specified in package.json file .so whatever packages are specified in this file are installed into this folder when we run npm   install command.

src folder

§  src folder contains all our angular project source code. Components, templates, pipes, services, images, styles etc. that our angular application needs are present in this folder. 

§  In the source folder we have the main .ts file  which is entry point of  angular application we also have the app folder which contains the file app.module.ts  which is the root module of a application and  also  app.component.ts  which is the root component of an application when we run the command ng serve application execution comes to the main.ts file over here with bootstrap kick start the app on your in app module.in the app.module.ts file  you can see that we can in-turn on again Quick start the app component .

§  This app component has two things html template and the class to control the view logic .so here app.component.ts file which contains the class that contain the logic for the data for the view.

§  In the class we have a property title is equal to a 'demo' and in HTML we have welcome to title but one time this title gets replaced by this property and then we also have some other HTML elements that get endered in the browser so we have welcome to app.


§  The assets folder contains the assets of your application like images and anything else to be copied when you build your application.


§  The main HTML page that is served when someone visits your site.


§  This file contains the global styles of our application. Styles that are local and specific to a component are often defined with in the component itself for easier maintenance.

§  /* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */

CSS Pseudo Classes

 CSS Pseudo-Classes

  §  In this tutorial we are trying to understand CSS pseudo class selector and also we will learn how we can use them in our HTML pages.

  §  I am going to discuss pseudo class selector with respect to navigation that is with respect to hyperlinks.

  §  CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors

A simple syntax of pseudo-classes is as follows –

selector: pseudo-class
property: value

The :link pseudo-class

  §  Use this class to add special style to an unvisited link

Selector: link
Declaration list;
§  It selects any html element targeted by the selector, if its status is un-visited (or default)


text-decoration : none;

  §  It selects any anchor element, if its status is un-visited.

Let’s create an example here

<a href="contactus.html">Visit Contact US Page</a>
<a href="aboutus.html">Visit About US Page</a>

  §  For example here you can see that as I told anchor elements if they are in unvisited state they are going to have by default blue color text and text decoration underline what if you want to remove this underline then we have to identify the anchor elements which are in unvisited state and apply the text decoration none.

text-decoration: none;
<a href="contactus.html">Visit Contact US Page</a>
<a href="aboutus.html">Visit About US Page</a>

  §  Save the file and go to browser and refresh you can see that both of them are in unvisited state its reason text-decoration is set to none they don't have underline.

The :hover pseudo-class

  §  Use this class to add special style to an element when you mouse over it.

selector : hover
declaration list;

  §  It selects any html element targeted by the selector, if its status is hovered (on mouse over)

border: 5px solid red;

  §  It selects any anchor element, if its status is hovered.

  §  I am telling to the browser that when we move the mouse cursor over any anchor element state changes to the hover then apply the  border : 5px solid red;

  §  when we move the mouse cursor over any anchor element then state changes to the hover state.

text-decoration: none;
border : 5px solid red;

<a href="contactus.html">Visit Contact US Page</a>
<a href="aboutus.html">Visit About US Page</a>

  §  save the file and go to browser and refresh you can see now both links are in unvisited state when I move the mouse cursor you can see that now the first anchor state is changed to hover state so it has a border: 5px solid red; if I move the mouse cursor on the second hyperlink then you can see the second hyperlink is also has border: 5px solid red; when we go away you can see that the underlined is remove they are back to unvisited state. Now  both are of them are in unvisited state and hover state.

  §  hover pseudo class selector is very very useful pseudo class that you can use it on almost every HTML element that means on mouseover if you want to apply some styles on any HTML element you can use this pseudo class selectors.

The :visited pseudo-class
§  Use this class to add special style to a visited link.

selector : visited
declaration list;
§  It selects any html element targeted by the selector, if its status is visited (on click and  
page visit)
color : green;
§  It selects any anchor element, if its status is visited

text-decoration: none;
border : 5px solid red;
color: green;

<a href="contactus.html">Visit Contact US Page</a>
<a href="aboutus.html">Visit About US Page</a>

§  when I click on this Visit Contact US Page of course we know that we go to the contactus.html page let’s go contact us page open if I come back you can see that the first hyperlink text color is changed to Purple color by default visited hyperlinks are going to have a purple color what if you want the green color instead of purple color if you have visited hyperlink and their color should be green.

§  then we have to write this code file a:visited{color: green;}save file and go to browser and refresh you can see that the first hyperlink color is changed to green color that indicate that we have visited the contact us page we have not visited to about us page hence it is still having the blue color because it is in unvisited state if I click on it we are visited to about us page and once I come back it is also going to have the green color now both of them are in visited state.

Navigation pseudo classes | :target

Using the :target pseudo-class in selectors

§  The pseudo-class: target is used to style the target element of a URL containing a fragment identifier.

selector : target
declaration list;
§  It selects any html element targeted by the selector, if its status is targeted (Only when element id or name appears as targeted fragment identifier in the page URI.).
§  Let me explain what is the targeted fragment identifier go to the browser.in the URL 
   here you can see it is showing  /default.html#bottom


§  We have #bottom right what is the meaning of that #bottom is actually known as targeted fragment identifier.

§  When we click on the middle section then   #middle you can see as middle that is actually known as fragment identifier.

§  When we click on the top section then   #top you can see as top that is actually known as fragment identifier.

§  If you see the targeted fragment identifier with the name top then maybe we want to apply some border around the top section here around this paragraph if I click on the middle section I want something to be highlighted that the middle section is now a targeted fragment identifier if I click on bottom section I want the border around it so that I can tell to the user that how the bottom section is the targeted fragment identifier how do we do that.


border: 2px solid greenyellow;

<p id="top">Top Section</p>
<a href="#middle">Middle Section</a><br/><br/>
<a href="#bottom">Bottom Section</a><br/><br/>
<p id="middle">Middle Section</p>
<a href="#top">Top Section</a><br/><br/>
<a href="#bottom">Bottom Section</a><br/><br/>
<p id="bottom">Bottm Section</p>
<a href="#top">Top Section</a><br/><br/>
<a href="#middle">Middle Section</a><br/><br/>

CSS import Rule

 What is CSS @import Rule?

  §  Using CSS @import rule we can include one CSS file in another?


  §  The import rule is used to import style sheets into other style sheets and any documents where @import can be applied.

  §  The @import rule is used to import style rules from other style sheets. 

  §  The @import keyword must be followed by the URL of the style sheet to include, and a semicolon.


   @import url("url_path");


  §  Let’s here we create an index.html page and two CSS files example1.css and  example2.css.


<h1>Welcome to CSS Import Rule:</h1>


background: papayawhip;


h1 {
color: red; font-size: 50px;

Now we embedded example1.css into index.html page

<link href="example1.css" rel="stylesheet" >
<h1>Welcome to CSS Import Rule:</h1>


Now we include example2.css in example1.css file.

@import url("example2.css");
background: papayawhip;

Now Run this code again and check the changes

<link href="example1.css" rel="stylesheet" >
<h1>Welcome to CSS Import Rule:</h1>


This example shows how to import style sheets into index.html directly.

@import url("example1.css");
@import url("example2.css");
<h1>Welcome to CSS Import Rule:</h1>



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