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Tuple In Python Part-2

Tuples are immutable

§  There is a major difference between lists and tuples in python is that tuples are immutable i.e. tuple can't be modifying once they have to initialized that is add or modify items from the tuple   is not allowed once the tuple is initialized.


tuple1[0] =60

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Important Ponts:
§   If all of the elements present in the tuple are of the immutable type, then 
   no element of the tuple can be changed. but if any element is of the 
   mutable type like list, then that element of a tuple can be changed.


TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
§  We cannot change this tuple because all the elements present in it are of an      immutable type.

tuple1= (10,20,30, [40,50])
tuple1[3][0] =60
print(tuple1) #The Output (10, 20, 30, [60, 50])
§  In this tuple there is a list object at 3 positions which is immutable type, so     we can change the 3 elements of the tuple.


Similarly, tuples don't have. append and. extend methods as list does.


AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'


       AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'extend' 

Deleting a Tuple in Python

§  We already discussed, that tuple elements are immutable i.e we cannot change the elements in a tuple. That also means we cannot delete or remove items from a tuple.

§  However, deleting entire tuple is possible using the keyword del.

my_tuple = (10,20,30,40,50)
del my_tuple[3]

del my_tuple[3]
TypeError: 'tuple' object doesn't support item deletion

my_tuple = (10,20,30,40,50)
# Can delete an entire tuple
del my_tuple
# NameError: name 'my_tuple' is not defined


NameError: name 'my_tuple' is not defined

Tuple Method

Count() method in Tuple

§  count () method tell how many times an element is occurrence in a tuple. So, count () method returns the occurrence of an element in a list.

§  The count () method takes a single parameter.

element - element whose count is to be found

Example 1: counting an element in a tuple

n=int(input('enter element'))
print(n,' occur' ,c,'times')

Example 2: counting a list in a tuple

list1=eval(input('enter list for count'))
print(list1,' occur' ,c,'times')

Tuple Length

§  The function len returns the total length of the tuple

tuple1= (10,20,30,40,50)
print('Length of Tuple=',len(tuple1))#The Output Length of Tuple= 5

Max of a tuple

§  The function max returns item from the tuple with the max value

tuple1= (10,20,30,40,50)
print ('Max of Tuple= ‘, max(tuple1)) #Max of Tuple= 50

Min of a tuple

§  The function min returns the item from the tuple with the min value.

tuple1= (10,20,30,40,50)
print ('Min of Tuple= ‘, min(tuple1)) #Min of Tuple= 50

Convert a list into tuple

§  The built-in function tuple converts a list into a tuple.


#The Output
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

Slicing of a Tuple (selecting parts of lists)

§  Slicing of a Tuple means selecting a part of a tuple.


§  from begin index to end-1 index and every time update by step

§  default value for begin index is zero.

§  default value for end index is length of string.


§  step value can be either +ve or -ve.

§  if +ve then it should be forward direction (Left to Right).

§  If -ve then it should be backward direction (Right to Left).

§  If +ve forward direction from begin to end-1.

§  if -ve backward direction from begin to end+1.

Selecting a subtuple from a tuple.

print(tuple1[1:4])#The OutPut (20, 30, 4)
print(tuple1[3:7]);#The OutPut (40, 50, 60, 70)

v If you omit the first index, the slice starts at the beginning of the tuple. Thus, tuple[:m] and tuple[0:m] are equivalent:


print(tuple1[:2])#The OutPut (10, 20)
print(tuple1[:3]);#The OutPut (10, 20, 30)

v if you omit the second index as in s[n:], the slice extends from the first index through the end of the list. This is a nice, concise alternative to the more cumbersome s[n:len(s)]:


print(tuple1[5:])#The OutPut (60, 70)
print(tuple1[6:]);#The OutPut (70,)

v If you Omitting both indices return the original tuple.


print(tuple1[:])#The OutPut(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70)

v If the first index in a slice is greater than or equal to the second index, Python returns an empty tuple.

print(tuple1[2:2])#The OutPut ()
print(tuple1[4:2]);#The OutPut ()

v Reversing a tuple with slicing

a = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
# steps through the tuple backwards (step=-1) 
b = a[::-1]
print('Original List=',a)
print('Reverse List= ',b)

Appending an element in tuple

Suppose we have a tuple i.e.

§ If we want to append the value at the end of the tuple, then first we have to make copy of existing tuple and then add new element to it using + operator.

 #Appending 50 at the end of tuple

§   And then we will put the address of the newly created tuple in
    the original reference.

§ hence it will give an effect that new element is added to existing tuple.

print(my_tuple)#The Output (10, 20, 30, 40)
#Appending 50 at the end of tuple
print(my_tuple)#The Output (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

Inserting an element at specific index in tuple

§    If we want to insert an element at a specific index position in the existing tuple then  
    first off all we have to create a new tuple by slicing the existing tuple and copying 
    contents from it.
      Suppose we have a tuple i.e.
# Create a tuple
tuple1 = (10,20,30,50)

§  If we want to insert an element at index n in this tuple, then we will create two sliced 
    copies of existing tuple from (0 to n) and (n to end) i.e.
# Sliced copy containing elements from 0 to n-1
tupleObj[ : n]
# Sliced copy containing elements from n to end
tupleObj[n : ]

# Create a tuple
my_tuple = (10,20,30,50)
n = 3
# Insert 40 in tuple at index 2
my_tuple = my_tuple[ : n ] + (40 ,) + my_tuple[n : ]
print(my_tuple)#The Output (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

Modify / Replace the element at specific index in tuple

§  If we want to Modify / Replace the element at a specific index position in the existing tuple we will slice the tuple from (0 to n-1) and (n+1 to end) i.e.

tuple=tuple [: n] +(value,) +tuple[n+1:]

# Create a tuple
my_tuple = (10,20,30,40,50) 
n = 3
# Insert 40 in tuple at index 2
my_tuple = my_tuple[ : n ] + (40 ,) + my_tuple[n+1 : ] 
print(my_tuple)#The Output (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

Delete an element at specific index in tuple
§   If we want to Modify / Replace the element at a specific index position in the 
    existing tuple we will slice the tuple from (0 to n-1) and (n+1 to end) i.e.
tuple=tuple [: n]  +tuple[n+1:]

# Create a tuple
my_tuple = (10,20,30,50)
n = 3
# Insert 40 in tuple at index 2
my_tuple = my_tuple[ : n ] +  my_tuple[n+1 : ]
print(my_tuple)#The Output (10, 20, 30, 50)


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